No. 41/M-DAG/PER/9/2009




In view of:


To stipulate:


Article 1

In this ministerial regulation:

Article 2

(1) Coffee having export regulated shall be coffee classified into Tariff Post HS 09.01 and 21.01 as contained in Attachment I, which constitutes an integral part of this regulation.

(2) The coffee as described in paragraph (1) may only be exported by companies already securing recognition as EKS or ETK from the Director General.

Article 3

(1) In order to secure the recognition as EKS as described in Article 2 paragraph (2), companies shall propose written applications to the Director General in this case the Director of Export of Agricultural and Forestry Products by enclosing the following documents:

(2) The Director General shall issue recognition as EKS as described in paragraph (1) in not later than 3 (three) working days as from the date of receipt of complete and true application with copies to:

(3) The issuance of recognition as EKS as described in paragraph (2) shall have International Coffee Organization (ICO) Number mentioned as identity of EKS.

Article 4

(1) The recognition as EKS shall valid for one year as from the date of issuance.

(2) The recognition as EKS as described in paragraph (1) may be upgraded to become ETK if EKS has exported coffee minimally 200 (two hundred) tons in one coffee year; by enclosing copy of Export Goods Declarations (PEB) have legalized by local Customs and Excise Service Office.

(3) The recognition as ETK as described in paragraph (2) shall be issued by the Director General in not later than 3 (three) working days as from the date of receipt of complete and true application with copies to:

(4) The recognition as ETK as described in paragraph (2) shall be valid as Iong as the said company exports coffee.

(5) EKS and ETK as described. in paragraph (1) and paragraph (3) shall export coffee in one coffee year.

(6) The coffee year as described in paragraph (4) shall start from October 1 to September 30 of the next year.

Article 5

(1) EKS or ETK planning to export coffee shall secure SPEK from Agency.

(2) The Agency as described in paragraph (1) which may be stipulated as institution issuing SPEK shall comply with the following requirements:

(3) The requirements as described in paragraph (3) letter b shall not be applied to Aceh Tengah Regency.

(4) The Agency as described in paragraph (1), which may issue SPEK shall be stipulated by the Director General.

(5) Model of SPEK as described in paragraph (1) shall be as contained in Attachment Il, which constitutes an integral part of this regulation.

Article 6

(1) In order to secure SPEK as described in Article 5 paragraph (1), EKS or ETK shall propose writing proposal to the Agency as described in Article 5 paragraph (4) by enclosing:

(2) The Agency as described in paragraph (1) shall issue SPEK in not later than 3 (three) working days as from the date of receipt of complete and true application.

(3) SPEK shall valid for 30 (thirty) days as from the date of issuance and may only be extended once.

(4) SPEK whose validity period elapses the deadline of the coffee year as described in Article 4 paragraph (4) may not be used as a requirement for exporting coffee and may not be extended.

(5) SPEK as described in Article 5 paragraph (1) shall be issued in 5 (five) copies with the designation to:

(6) SPEK as described in paragraph (5) may be used for the shipment from all export ports Indonesia.

Article 7

(1) The amount of contribution as described in Article 6 paragraph (1) letter b shall be stipulated through an agreement of members of AEKI in a general meeting or plenary board meeting of AEKI by taking into account the Limit and Comparation of Weight (conversion) of coffee as contained in Attachment Ill, which constitutes an integral part of this regulation.

(2) AEKI shall convey financial statement related to the use of the contribution as described in paragraph (1) to the Minister of Trade at the beginning of the next coffee year.

Article 8

(1) The Agency as described in Article 5 paragraph (4) shall submit report on the realization of the issuance of SPEK every month to the Director General through the Director of Export of Agricultural and Forestry Products in not later than the 10th of the next month.

(2) Agency failing to fulfill the obligation to report the realization of the issuance of SPEK as described in paragraph (1) may be subject to revocation of stipulation as the issuer of SPEK.

Article 9

(1) The exported coffee shall comply with the quality standard stipulated by the Minister of Trade and shall be accompanied by Certificate of Origin (SKA) Form ICO as described in Regulation of the Minister of Trade concerning the Issuance of Certificate of Origin to Indonesia's exported goods.

(2) SKA Form ICO as described in paragraph (1) shall be as contained in Attachment IV, which constitutes an integral part of this regulation.

Article 10

(1) EKS and ETK shall be obliged to convey report on the realization of the export of coffee in writing every 3 (three) months to the Director General through the Director of Export of Agricultural and Forestry Products.

(2) The report as described in paragraph (1) shall be submitted in not later than every October 10, January 10, April 10 and July 10.

(3) Model of report on the realization of the export of coffee shall be as contained in Attachment V, which constitutes an integral part of this regulation.

Article 11

(1) Recognition as EKS shall be revoked if the reports as described in Article 10 is not submitted twice consecutively:

(2) Recognition as FTK shall be frozen if the reports as described in Article 10 is not submitted twice consecutively.

(3) Company whose recognition as EKS has been revoked as described in paragraph (1) may propose new application in accordance with the provision in Article 3 paragraph (1).

(4) Recognition as ETK, which has been frozen as described in paragraph (2) may be re-activated if the companies report the realization of the export of coffee in not later than 30 (thirty) days as from the date of freezing.

(5) Recognition as ETK, which has been frozen as described in paragraph (2) may be downgraded to EKS if the report on the realization of the export of coffee is not submitted in a period of 30 (thirty) days as from the date of freezing.

(6) Recognition as EKS as described in paragraph (5) shall use Number of International Coffee Organization (ICO) as described in Article 3 paragraph (3).

Article 12

(1) Recognition as EKS or recognition ETK shall be revoked in the event that:

(2) Companies whose recognition as EKS or recognition as ETK has been revoked as described in paragraph (1) may propose new application to secure recognition as EKS in accordance with the provision in Article 3 paragraph (1).

Article 13

(1) Revocation of recognition as EKS as described in Article 11 paragraph (1) and Article 12 paragraph (1) shall be done by the Director General with copies to:

(2) Freezing, re-activation and revocation of recognition as ETK as described in Article 11 paragraph (2), paragraph (4), and Article 12 paragraph (1) shall be done by the Director General with a copies to:

Article 14

ET-Coffee already issued and still valid on the basis of Regulation of the Minister of Trade No. 27/M-DAG/PER/7/2008 concerning Provisions on the Export of Coffee shall be declared to remain effective and shall be treated as ETK in accordance with the provisions in this regulation.

Article 15

The Director General may stipulate further provision on the implementation of this regulation.

Article 16

With the enforcement of this regulation, Regulation of the Minister of Trade No. 27/M-DAG/PER/7/2008 concerning Provisions on the Export of Coffee shall be revoked and declared null and void.

Article 17

This regulation shall come into force 30 (thirty) days as from the date of stipulation.

For public cognizance, the regulation shall be promulgated by placing it in State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia.

Stipulated in Jakarta
On September 14, 2009